By Shelley Shan / Staff reporterThe average hotel room price dropped 1.17 percent to NT$2,960 last year, slightly reversing the trend of rising room c
ADJUSTMENTS NEEDED: The Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine urged hospitals to be more flexible with ER staffing and the allocation of inpatient beds revealed some of the most unusual items left behind at its partner hotels around the world, including a pet lizard, as well as some of the
By Lin Ching-hua and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, and staff writerThe Asia-Pacific Music Collective Management Association (ACMA) has updated its lice
ACCOUNTABILITY: The incident, which occured at a Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store in Taichung, was allegedly caused by a gas explosion on the 12t
HARBOR VISIT:The first local case of typhoid fever was reported last week, a teenage boy who possibly got infected after eating contaminated seafood
By Lery Hiciano / Staff writer, with CNAPharmacies and clinics that remain open during the Lunar New Year would be rewarded with an extra 30 percent i
By Jake Chung / Staff writer, with CNASpecial monitoring zones would be established around undersea cables to prevent possible “gray zone” tactics by
HOTEL WASTE: Rules prohibiting hotels from providing guests with free single-use toiletries are expected to cut the use of 460 million plastic contain
莊文仁/核稿編輯敘利亞反抗軍8日攻入首都大馬士革,推翻總統阿塞德(Bashar al-Assad)逾半世紀的獨裁統治。目前阿塞德與家人已逃往俄羅斯尋求政治庇護,部分與其關係密切的家族高層成員,包含敘國衛隊司令、第4裝甲師指揮官則下落不明;反抗軍還揭露,這些高層家中準備一條長達好幾英里的逃生密道。
美國海軍指出,維吉尼亞級核動力快速攻擊潛艦「明尼蘇達號」今天抵達關島,加入關島原有的4艘洛杉磯級潛艦,在作戰的最前緣,協助維護印太地區的自由開放與和平繁榮。海軍指出,明尼蘇達號(USS Minnesota)是首艘部署在關島的維吉尼亞級(Virginia-class)快速攻擊潛艦,該潛艦2013年9月
‘SUPER-AGED’ SOCIETY: The program would recruit more medical teams and increase long-term care resources, NHIA Director-General Shih Chung-liang said
Staff writer, with CNAWith Taiwan expected to become a “super-aged society” next year, the government plans to introduce the Long-term Care 3.0 progra
林浥樺/核稿編輯糖果罐裡藏「寶物」!英國一名拍賣師在整理檢查客戶委託的東西時,竟在一罐太妃糖罐的底部,發現了一枚「稀有硬幣」,是鑄造於1776年美國獨立時的「大陸美元硬幣」(Continental Currency),現存僅約100枚左右,在送交美國鑑定確認為真品後,近期在拍會會上以2.5萬英鎊(約
By Shelley Shan / Staff reporterThe Ocean Affairs Council (OAC) yesterday said it is working with Judicial Yuan officials on ways to monitor and track
By Ko Yu-hao, Huang Chia-lin, Esme Yeh and Lery Hiciano / Staff reporters, with staff writersKaohsiung’s development of the concert economy has borne
郭顏慧/核稿編輯擁有鐵達尼號殘骸所有權與打撈權的「RMS鐵達尼公司」(RMS Titanic Inc.)在今年7月至8月展開一次最新探索,除了發現經典船頭欄杆已經腐蝕掉落外,還找到時隔38年來再度現蹤的羅馬女神戴安娜(Diana)青銅像。綜合外媒報導,「RMS鐵達尼公司」自2日起陸續公開日前重啟鐵達
/ Staff writer, with CNAThe Ministry of Transportation and Communications would take measures to improve the tourism experience in Kenting National Pa
By Chen Chia-yi and Esme Yeh / Staff reporter, with staff writerThe Ministry of Environment is to spend NT$280 million (US$8.74 million) to build gend