蘋果搶在 WWDC 開發者大會前,率先公開年度 Apple 設計大獎獲獎者,共有 14 款 App 與遊戲被官方認證為年度最強,是 iPhone、iPad 用戶不可錯過的佳作。
蘋果 WWDC 開發者大會即將於台灣時間 6 月 11 日登場,每年WWDC期間都會舉辦的「蘋果設計大獎」(Apple Design Awards),藉此表揚獲官方評選為年度優質精心開發的App應用程式,涵蓋iPhone、iPad......
Staff writer, with CNATelevision presenter Mickey Huang (黃子佼) yesterday was indicted for allegedly possessing sexually explicit videos involving minor
REBUILDING PLANS: The government is to provide a monthly subsidy for people forced out of their homes, with the amount varying depending on household
By Jake Chung / Staff writer, with CNAPeople left homeless following a massive earthquake on April 3 are to receive NT$32,000 per month for a two-bed
By Chen Yu-fu and William Hetherington / Staff reporter, with staff writerFormer Czech Republic-based Taiwanese researcher Cheng Yu-chin (鄭宇欽) has bee
/ Staff writer, with CNAThe tourism industry in Hualien is forecast to sustain losses of approximately NT$5.3 billion (US$165.13 million) this month f
國立台北藝術大學舞蹈系應屆畢業生組成的焦點舞團2024年度製作「曜」,將於本週展開巡演。今年將由北藝大舞蹈系系主任暨藝術總監吳易珊等人領銜,率31位團員演出包含侯非胥.謝克特《In your rooms》、洪綵希新作《自畫像》及8支新銳作品。
INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION: Taiwanese should be proud of the outcome of the projects, which have helped thousands of Ukrainians, Tomas Kopecny said
/ Staff writer, with CNADomestic travel in Taiwan remained strong last year, despite more Taiwanese vacationing abroad, the Tourism Administration sai
By Wu Liang-yi / Staff reporterAn online petition asking lawmakers to suspend the review of a draft amendment that would reduce the number of years re
By Shelley Shan and Rachel Lin / Staff reportersNearly 300 Taiwanese tourists on Sunday came close to being stranded on Vietnam’s Phu Quoc Island afte
By Yang Yao-ju and Kayleigh Madjar / Staff reporter, with staff writerStanding proudly on Ketagalan Boulevard near the Presidential Office Building is
MEDICAL TABOO: Hospitals reported 265,000 emergency room visits during the Lunar New Year holiday last year, with the figure spiking to 748.3 million
STUDENT AID: Hou’s wife wrote in a letter that the family would convert a condominium they rent to students into social housing units for young people
由北藝大舞蹈學院歲末演出「爍動 MOVE」,將帶來侯非胥.謝克特的經典舞作《In your rooms》,以及由編舞家蔣秋娥、蔡慧貞、蔡銘元等人新編的作品,即日起至17日,在北藝大展演中心舞蹈廳演出。藝術總監吳易珊表示,今年為北藝大舞蹈系40週年,透過1支知名的當代經典舞碼與3支全新作品,緊隨當代狂
Vikings had windows, meaning Norsemen dignitaries sat in rooms lit up by apertures with glass, Danish researchers said Thursday. The glass panes can b
By Wen Yu-te and Jason Pan / Staff reportersProsecutors have indicted four people on more than 2,800 charges linked to an alleged cyberscam operation
By Shelley Shan / Staff reporter, with CNAThe Tourism Administration plans to set up a branch office in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, next year as part
Catering to those who can’t get enough of playing with toys, the Arima Toys and Automata Museum turned its third floor into hotel rooms so visitors ca