‘LIVES AT RISK’: Taiwan has more than 1.2 million people with disabilities. The proposal would encourage illegal parking and make life harder for them
UNIVERSAL PORTS: Mobile phone charging equipment needs the commission’s approval, an official said, adding that inferior cables could pose a fire haza
/ Staff writer, with CNALai Chun-ju (賴俊儒), 33, a firefighter who died in a factory fire in Pingtung County on Friday evening, had planned a honeymoon
RESILIENCE: As the Ministry of Digital Affairs tests the nation’s emergency telecom networks, it aims to have 700 satellite terminal stations as a bac
備受手遊玩家矚目的華碩新一代重量級 ROG Phone 6 電競旗艦系列,即將於7月5日晚間8點,舉辦全球同步發表的線上直播發表......
RIVERSIDE CAMP: As rescuers continued their search for a missing man, Taipower said that the floodgates at a hydro plant on the Lishi Creek opened due
外媒《Gizmodo》評選過去十年「最糟糕」的 20 款產品,科技巨頭們無一倖免,甚至有 4 款智慧手機慘遭點名
影音APP「抖音」的中國網路公司「字節跳動」29日宣佈,與中國公司錘子科技(Smartisan Technology)合作生產1款智慧型手機;中國媒體報導,字節跳動傳出已秘密研發智慧型手機7個月,最快可能在今年下半年推出。報導指出,這款手機將是字節跳動發表的首款智慧型硬體設備;對此,字節跳動表示,早
電子商務巨頭亞馬遜(Amazon)早年曾推出過智慧型手機產品Fire Phone,雖其結果是以失敗告終,但似乎並未澆熄亞馬遜想重回手機市場的企圖心。近日1名亞馬遜高層透露,表示亞馬遜不排除會重返智慧型手機市場,但前提是要找到產品差異化的定位。
國外科技媒體《Fast Company》稍早挑選了 20 款本世紀最糟的手機…
《彭博社》報導,亞馬遜即將生產與 AirPods 相似的智慧耳機,內建 Alexa 智慧助理迎戰蘋果的 Siri、Google 助理
FLEXIBLE FINANCES: Reporters used the event to question Ko Wen-je about the city’s reported use of NT$4 billion in transportation funds for other purp
REPAIRS: The TRA resumed normal operations yesterday, but it said the branch lines of the Alishan Forest Railway would be closed due to damage caused
By Jason Pan / Staff reporterA man who on Thursday allegedly shot three people dead before turning the gun on himself died from his injuries yesterday
PROBE: Samsung Taiwan said it would cooperate with government agencies to find out what caused one of its smartphones to emit smoke on a China Airline
By Huang Liang-chieh and Jonathan Chin / Staff reporter, with staff writerA dog on Tuesday led rescuers to its elderly owner who had lost his way whil
Samsung 宣布停產 Galaxy Note 7 智慧型手機後,已經表示將專注於明年新旗艦機的開發。而在 Galaxy Note 7 退場後,三星今年的旗艦機銷售主力,又回到 Galaxy S7 Edge 身上...